Kindness is Therapy

**Click here to redeem 50% off your first month of online therapy with BetterHelp!**

Are you struggling with your mental health? You are not alone. Many people around the world struggle to maintain their mental health, too. For many, it still feels taboo to talk about mental health, but we're working to change that! At Doughp, we believe kindness is therapy. If you don’t take care of yourself, you can’t take care of anyone else. Kindness starts within. We want you to know that we’re here to support you in taking care of your mental health. We’re here to give you some insight into therapy and how enrolling in therapy is showing kindness to yourself and your mental health!

How Therapy Can Help

Many people find therapy to be a healthy way to cope with whatever is going on in their lives or how they are thinking, feeling, behaving, etc. Therapy can be beneficial for people because it can help them better understand what they are going through and better deal with problems that arise. Oftentimes, therapy helps identify underlying issues that one may not realize themselves. Therapy helps bridge the gap between feeling alone in your struggles and seeing through to the other side! 

Benefits of Therapy: 

  • Helps you come to terms with past issues/trauma
  • Helps you fix bad habits and routines 
  • Helps you understand why/how you behave or think the way you do
  • Helps mend relationships with friends, family, spouse, etc.
  • Helps create and maintain goals
  • Enhances your problem-solving skills
  • Enhances self-confidence   

These are just some of the many benefits you could experience when you seek out treatment. We are so happy to announce that our partners at BetterHelp are giving you 50% OFF your first month of online therapy. Click here to redeem your offer and get started on some kindness work within!

How Else Can You Take Care of Yourself?

Taking care of yourself is very important. If a person doesn’t take care of themselves, they can slowly fall apart. Their work and family life suffer, they become irritable and depressed, and sometimes even suicidal. All of these things, when prolonged, have terrible effects both physically and mentally. These issues can affect everyone, at any time, and can arise for a variety of reasons. Easing your mental health and taking care of yourself not only helps you but those around you. 

Tips for taking care of yourself:

  • Do breathing exercises
  • Put your phone down and relax your mind
  • Exercise or go for a walk
  • Take fifteen minutes to do something you want to do and come back recharged
  • Be present in the moment and center yourself around it 
  • Go out for walks and spend time in nature
  • Enjoy some cookie dough!

Okay, you know we had to mention cookie dough at some point. But in all seriousness, just doing a few of these small things for yourself can help you maintain a balance and improve your mental health over time! 

How Doughp Supports Mental Health - #Doughp4Hope

Doughp’s #Doughp4Hope campaign is all about helping others support their mental health and raising awareness of the importance of taking care of your own well-being. We are proud to partner with SHE RECOVERS Foundation, a non-profit foundation, to raise funds in support of women seeking or in recovery. A portion of all Doughp sales is donated directly to SHE RECOVERS. So when you enjoy a bite (or pint) of our cookie dough, remember that you’re supporting something much bigger than just a small business that sells cookie dough. You’re directly supporting mental health and addiction recovery!

So today, whether it’s therapy or cookie dough (or even better- both!), show some kindness to yourself. And remember, kindness is doughp. 

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