Mood-Boosting Foods!

When you’re feeling down, comfort food feels pretty darn good. It's easy to lean on foods to boost your mood, they're called comfort foods for a reason! Read on for some healthy takes—as well as proof that eating Doughp is good for you!


Cookies Galore

Okay, so you shouldn’t bake a whole batch of cookies and eat them in one sitting. But consider this: they can help with your mental health! Mood-wise, it’s always ideal to have something delicious waiting for you at the finish line of a long, healthy, productive day. When you finally do take that first bite, it’ll feel all the more rewarding. And an added bonus: you can feel good about what goes in Doughp! Our dough starts from 6 all natural ingredients: flour, butter, brown sugar, baking soda, flaxseed, and vanilla! Dig in responsibly.

Another benefit of some sweet cookie action: sharing is caring, and inviting people to bake with you—or just to bond over your cookies—can help with feeling less isolated. Until things settle down with COVID-19, enjoy some baked goods over a virtual hangout with friends and family—and encourage them to dive into that Doughp, too!


Brainy Berries

Looking for your fill of antioxidants? Grab some berries of any kind. They ease inflammation and help to repair cells, which has been linked to easing symptoms common in anxiety and depression. On top of that, certain berries also contain polyphenolics, which can aid memory, attention span, and concentration.


Fish First 

Some of the top foods to eat to help you out of a funk are those containing omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids can help with depression and act as a general mood-stabilizer. If you’re not a fan of fish, good news: you can also get these nutrients from dark green leafy vegetables, walnuts, and flax.


Whole-y Grains

Carbs might sound like the opposite of healthy for you, but there’s a difference between complex and simple carbs. Enter: whole grains, such as quinoa, sweet potatoes, and wild rice. Simple carbs can cause crashes, while complex carbs regulate your blood sugar and energy levels. Brain-wise, they help to produce serotonin thanks to the amino acid tryptophan.


Selenium the Savior

Never heard of selenium? We got you. Selenium is found in foods including crab, chicken, beans, oysters, and wheat. Physically, selenium deficiency can lead to thyroid problems and high blood pressure during pregnancy. But, it’s also been hypothesized that too little consumption of this mineral can lead to poor moods. And even cooler: a study from Burke Neurological Institute and Weill Cornell Medicine found that it can help prevent brain damage following a stroke.


Don’t beat yourself up if you still find yourself going for the sweets. Just make sure to include some of the above to maintain a level mood!

Getting hungry?